Have you ever noticed that thunder meets in the middle of all the mental static? Almost like generated sparks of energy intended to create, one that stands in the middle of the gap. Lets define the purpose of the journey, you are the conduit, ok?.
Incredible things in the business world are never made by a single person, but by a team. Companies that grow for the sake of growth or that expand into areas outside their core business intention stumble without purpose. On the other hand, companies that build a mission scale for the benefit of their beneficiaries and shareholders.
"Never lower your price, add value."
a Labor of Love Produces Esteem.
You are required to Become.
In our day and age, global society has been saturated with the wrong teaching of false positivity. The denial of darkness never equates the abundance of light. And the denial of your actual character never equates to the reality of your best character. People today are afraid to work on themselves and on their actual realities, they believe that outward appearances are enough. Outward appearances have become everything in our current day and age. People don't see what they are actually like, nor who they actually are, in reality. They live in a phantasmic version of reality. It has to stop. In the phantasmic version of reality, there is no chance to experience true love, true goodness, and true metamorphosis. The caterpillar does not become a butterfly by telling everybody it has wings. It actually buries itself in darkness and grows those wings.